The Tool Shed Blog

Blogging Best Practices: Streamlining Content and Design for Results

Did you know companies that published more than 16 blog posts per month got almost three and half times more traffic than companies that published zero to four monthly posts? Creating fresh, valuable content like blog posts is a key inbound marketing strategy to attract visitors to your site. By consistently publishing high-quality content that engages your target audience, you can increase website traffic, generate leads, and support branding and SEO efforts. But content is just one part of an effective inbound strategy. To maximize success, it is crucial to also optimize landing pages, calls-to-action, lead nurturing tactics, email marketing, and more. With a comprehensive and integrated inbound marketing approach, content creation can become a powerful driver of measurable business results.

Blogging Best Practices

Content marketing and blogging are significant areas of focus for marketers when it comes to promoting businesses online.

Blogging shouldn't be taken lightly. If done properly, you will surely get your business more online visibility. Blogs are one of the best tools, if not the best tool, to attract leads to your site. Blogs get that organic traffic flowing in.

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The best way to attract potential customers is through educational content.

You want to ensure you attract, engage and delight your leads and customers through blog content.

Blogging is a critical part of the attract stage but should not focus only on attracting a lead. You want to ensure you deliver blogs to people who are already your customers.

The purpose of blogs is to educate and to portray your business as friendly or as an advisor. This way, your content strategy can delight your customers and keep them returning for more.

Remember, the ultimate goal of having a blog should be to lead a visitor to your website and ultimately convert them into customers.

Things to Consider Before Writing Top-Performing Marketing Blogs

Before you start writing anything, you need to understand your audience. You must understand what your buyer persona wants and, specifically, their problems and needs. Then you can bring a solution tailored to their needs through your blog.

Buyer's Journey

After defining who your audience is, you must keep the buyer's journey in mind.

When you write content for your blog, keep in mind that each buyer faces different stages before making a purchasing decision. This is called the buyer's journey.

The buyer's journey is composed of three main stages:

  • awareness
  • consideration
  • decision

You must write based on content specific to each stage. By doing this, people who view your blog feel like you are talking to them personally because you understand what they want.

What Type of Content Should You Write About During Each of These Stages?

Awareness Stage.

The content should focus on your buyer persona's concerns during this stage. For example, Sarah's boyfriend just proposed, and she is getting married. All of a sudden, she has a wedding to plan. She realizes she needs a wedding planner. In this example, she has identified her problem. The problem is she needs to look for a wedding planning company. Your blogs could revolve around things like: "Ten things that go through your mind when you just get engaged." You have identified the problem and are addressing someone who has just been proposed to. It is attractive that you have the answer for them in your blog.

Consideration Stage.

At this stage, the content you write about should be focused on providing solutions. The buyer persona is eliminating solutions that aren't a good fit. You want to be the fit in the consideration stage.

Following the example above, Sarah starts browsing for options. At this point, she is looking through different alternatives. Then, she starts asking questions to different companies trying to make the best decision and pick the one that best fits her needs.

In this stage, your blog posts could go like this: "The ultimate guide to picking the best wedding planning agency." You are giving her a solution and helping her through the process that she is going through.

Decision Stage.

In this stage, the content you create for your blogs should revolve around answering questions about your product or service.

  • They have decided on a solution, method, or approach to face their problems
  • They have decided to purchase from you

Sarah has picked the wedding planning company of her dreams. Ultimately, she's decided and is about to sign the contract.

With all of this in mind, you should be able to attract, engage and delight your leads and customers through your blog. Blogs during this stage could look like "What to expect from our wedding offers [step by step guide]." Remember, you are engaging with Sarah giving her information on what to expect while she goes through the entire process with your company. Start this blog with impressive statistics highlighting significant benefits.

Be sure to recognize that having a blog online has more than one benefit.

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Benefits of Having a Blog on Your Website

It drives traffic to your site. Every time you write a blog, you have one more page inside your website for Google to index. You get ranked higher on search engines the more pages on your site get indexed. This shows search engines that your website is active.

It helps convert traffic into leads. You can add Call to Actions (CTAs) on your blogs. This is your opportunity to use your content to convert visitors into leads and leads into customers.

It builds authority for your brand. If you blog around the awareness, consideration, and decision stage and write educational, helpful content focused on your buyer personas' needs, you’d portray yourself as an advisor. If visitors see you as an advisor, you will begin to build authority on your site.

Organic Search Increase Over Time

One of the most fascinating aspects of blogging is the potential for certain posts to continue to generate organic search traffic over time. These types of blog posts are known as "compounding" posts, as they have a compounding effect on your website's overall traffic. In fact, research has shown that approximately one in every ten blog posts falls into this category.

What sets compounding posts apart is their ability to attract visitors long after they have been published. Unlike other blog posts that may see a spike in traffic upon release but gradually lose momentum over time, compounding posts continue to gain traction and drive traffic over an extended period. This sustained traffic growth can be attributed to their relevance and value to readers, making them evergreen resources that continue to attract new visitors.

Interestingly, while compounding posts only represent 10% of all blog posts, they contribute a significant 38% of the overall traffic to a website. This statistic underscores the power and impact of creating high-quality, evergreen content that resonates with your target audience.

So, why do compounding posts have such a profound impact on traffic generation? One reason is that they tend to address timeless topics or provide comprehensive guides that people frequently search for. By addressing these commonly searched queries, compounding posts position your website as a valuable resource, attracting visitors who are seeking answers or solutions to their problems.

Compounding posts often perform exceptionally well in search engine rankings. As these posts continue to gain backlinks and social shares over time, search engines recognize their value and relevance, resulting in higher rankings in search results. This increased visibility further amplifies their ability to generate organic search traffic.

As a blogger, understanding the potential of compounding posts can significantly impact your content strategy. By creating evergreen, comprehensive, and valuable blog posts, you can increase the likelihood of generating compounding traffic that continues to grow over time. This not only boosts your website's overall traffic but also enhances your brand's authority and credibility.

Compounding posts have the unique ability to drive sustained organic search traffic, making them an invaluable asset to any blog or website. By focusing on creating high-quality, evergreen content that addresses timeless topics and provides comprehensive solutions, you can harness the power of compounding posts to increase your website's visibility, attract new visitors, and establish your brand as a trusted authority in your industry.

Blogging Best Practices

Pick a compelling topic and title

To pick a compelling and engaging topic for your blog, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and understand the needs and questions of your target audience. By choosing a topic that addresses the queries people are searching for in search engines, you can create content that resonates with your readers and provides valuable information.

Start by considering your buyer persona and their specific interests and pain points. What are they looking for? What challenges or problems do they need help with? Additionally, think about the most frequently asked questions you hear related to your industry or niche. By addressing these common queries in your blog posts, you can position yourself as a reliable source of information and establish credibility with your audience.

To further refine your topic, you should also take into account what industry bloggers, social media influencers, and competitors are discussing. This will help you identify trending topics and ensure that your content remains relevant and up-to-date.

Once you have chosen a topic, it's important to narrow it down and conduct keyword research. Look for keywords related to your topic that have a decent search volume. This will help you optimize your blog post for search engines and increase its visibility to potential readers.

When crafting your blog post title, aim for an ideal length of around 60 characters. However, studies have shown that titles with six to 13 words tend to attract the highest and most consistent amount of traffic. Additionally, headlines between eight to 12 words are more likely to be shared on Twitter, while headlines between 12-14 words are liked more on Facebook. Including the long-tail keyword at the beginning of the title can also improve its visibility in search engine results.

In terms of formatting your blog post, make sure to have a captivating introduction that grabs readers' attention. Use humor, interesting facts, or statistics to engage your audience from the start. Throughout the body of your post, aim for an ideal length of 2,100 words. Incorporate your long-tail keyword naturally and at a regular cadence, but avoid keyword stuffing, which can negatively impact your SEO.

To make your blog post visually appealing, use images and proper spacing to break up long paragraphs. Utilize sub-headers (written in H2 tags or smaller), bullets, and bold important text to improve readability. Whenever possible, include multimedia content such as videos, images, social media posts, or audio to enhance the overall experience for your readers.

Consider promoting offers on your blog to increase lead generation. By including calls-to-action (CTAs) in your posts, you can encourage readers to take the next step and engage with your brand. This can range from signing up for a newsletter to downloading a free resource or even making a purchase. Promoting offers not only helps generate leads but also allows you to nurture and convert those leads into customers.

Choosing a topic for your blog that addresses the needs and questions of your audience is crucial. By conducting research, conducting keyword research, and optimizing your blog post title, you can create content that attracts readers and ranks well in search engine results. Additionally, formatting your blog post effectively and promoting offers can further enhance the engagement and lead generation potential of your blog.

Do your homework and ask yourself the following questions:

What is my buyer persona looking for?

When considering the needs and desires of your buyer persona, it's important to put yourself in their shoes and understand their motivations. What are they looking for when they come across your website or blog? Are they seeking information, solutions to a problem, or inspiration? By identifying their needs, you can tailor your content to provide valuable and relevant information that resonates with them.

For instance, if your buyer persona is a small business owner, they may be looking for tips and strategies to grow their business. They might be interested in learning about the latest marketing techniques, tools, or industry trends that can help them stay ahead of the competition. By addressing these specific needs in your blog posts, you can position yourself as a trusted advisor and resource for small business owners.

On the other hand, if your buyer persona is a busy working professional, they might be looking for time-saving tips, productivity hacks, or ways to achieve a better work-life balance. By understanding their pain points and challenges, you can create content that offers practical solutions and actionable advice.

It's also important to consider the stage of the buyer's journey that your persona is in. Are they in the awareness stage, where they are just beginning to realize they have a problem? Or are they in the consideration stage, where they are actively researching and comparing different solutions? By aligning your content with the buyer's journey, you can provide the right information at the right time and guide them towards a solution that meets their needs.

It's essential to stay updated on the latest industry trends, news, and developments. By keeping your finger on the pulse of your industry, you can provide timely and relevant content that addresses the current concerns and interests of your buyer persona. This not only demonstrates your expertise but also shows that you are invested in staying ahead of the curve and providing valuable insights to your audience.

Understanding what your buyer persona is looking for is key to creating content that resonates with them. By identifying their needs, addressing their pain points, and providing valuable insights and solutions, you can position yourself as a trusted advisor and build a loyal following. Remember to stay updated on industry trends and developments to ensure that your content remains relevant and valuable to your target audience.

What do they need help with?

When considering what your buyer persona needs help with, it's important to dig deeper into their pain points and challenges. Understanding their specific struggles will allow you to create content that offers practical solutions and valuable insights.

For example, if your buyer persona is a small business owner, they might need help with various aspects of running their business. This could include topics like managing finances, improving marketing strategies, or increasing customer retention. By addressing these specific needs in your blog posts, you can provide them with actionable advice and guidance to overcome their challenges.

On the other hand, if your buyer persona is a busy working professional, they might need help with time management, work-life balance, or career advancement. Offering tips and strategies to optimize their productivity, achieve a better work-life balance, or navigate the corporate ladder can be incredibly valuable to them.

It's also important to consider the stage of the buyer's journey that your persona is in. If they are in the awareness stage, they might need help identifying and understanding their problem. You can create content that educates and raises awareness about common challenges and provides insights into potential solutions.

If they are in the consideration stage, they might need help evaluating different options and making a decision. Your blog posts can compare different products or services, provide in-depth reviews, or offer expert opinions to help them make an informed choice.

Lastly, it's crucial to stay updated on the latest industry trends and developments to provide timely and relevant assistance to your buyer persona. By staying ahead of the curve and offering insights into emerging trends, technologies, or strategies, you can position yourself as a valuable resource that helps them stay competitive and informed.

Understanding what your buyer persona needs help with is the key to creating content that truly resonates with them. By addressing their specific challenges, offering practical solutions, and staying updated on industry trends, you can establish yourself as an expert blogger who provides valuable assistance to your target audience.

What are the most frequently asked questions you hear?

To determine the most frequently asked questions you hear, start by analyzing the inquiries you receive from your audience through various channels such as email, social media comments, or direct messages. Look for common themes and recurring questions that come up frequently. This will give you valuable insights into the specific pain points and interests of your audience.

Additionally, consider conducting surveys or polls to gather information directly from your audience. This can be done through email newsletters, social media platforms, or even on your blog itself. Ask your readers to submit their burning questions or topics they would like to see covered in future blog posts. This not only helps you understand their needs but also lets them feel heard and engaged with your content.

Pay attention to the comments section of your blog posts. Often, readers will ask questions or seek further clarification on the topics you have covered. Take note of these questions and use them as inspiration for future blog posts. By addressing these specific inquiries, you can provide helpful and informative content that directly addresses the needs of your audience.

Another effective method to identify frequently asked questions is by monitoring industry forums, social media groups, or Q&A websites such as Quora or Reddit. These platforms provide valuable insights into the common queries and concerns of your target audience. By actively participating in these communities and offering helpful answers, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and gain valuable knowledge about the questions that are top of mind for your audience.

Once you have identified the most frequently asked questions, consider creating dedicated blog posts or content series that address these topics in depth. This not only allows you to provide comprehensive answers to your audience but also positions you as a reliable and knowledgeable resource. By consistently addressing their questions and concerns, you can build trust and credibility with your readers, ultimately leading to increased engagement and loyalty.

As an expert blogger, it is essential to stay attuned to the needs and interests of your audience. By actively listening to their questions and concerns, you can create content that directly addresses their needs and establishes you as a trusted source of information in your niche.

What do you wish people knew about your industry?

One of the things I wish people knew about my industry is the importance of continuous learning and staying updated with the latest trends and developments. The world is constantly evolving, and industries are no exception. In order to stay relevant and provide valuable insights to my audience, it is crucial to always be learning and expanding my knowledge.

As an expert blogger, I understand the importance of investing time and effort into researching and staying informed about the latest news, technologies, and strategies within my industry. This allows me to provide my audience with up-to-date information and insights that can help them navigate the ever-changing landscape.

Another aspect of my industry that I wish people knew more about is the level of dedication and hard work that goes into creating high-quality content. Being an expert blogger requires a significant amount of time and effort to conduct research, write engaging and informative articles, and continuously refine my craft.

I want people to understand that being an expert blogger is not just about writing blog posts. It also involves building relationships with my audience, engaging with them through comments and social media, and constantly seeking feedback to improve the content I create. It's a dynamic and interactive process that goes beyond simply publishing articles.

I wish people knew that being an expert blogger involves a deep passion for the industry and a genuine desire to help others. I am truly passionate about the topics I write about and I strive to provide valuable insights and solutions to my readers. It's not just a job for me; it's a way to connect with others and make a positive impact in their lives.

There are several aspects of my industry as an expert blogger that I wish people knew more about. From the importance of continuous learning and staying updated, to the dedication and hard work that goes into creating high-quality content, and the passion and genuine desire to help others, being an expert blogger is a multifaceted role that requires expertise, commitment, and a genuine love for the industry.

What are industry bloggers, social media, and other competitors talking about?

To stay ahead in your industry as an expert blogger, it's important to keep track of what industry bloggers, social media platforms, and other competitors are talking about. By staying informed about the latest discussions and trends in your niche, you can ensure that your content remains relevant and engaging to your audience.

Industry bloggers often provide valuable insights and analysis on various topics within your industry. They may share their experiences, offer tips and tricks, or discuss emerging trends and technologies. By following and engaging with these bloggers, you can gain new perspectives and ideas for your own content. You can also join conversations in the comments section of their blog posts, adding your expertise to the discussion and building connections within the industry.

Social media platforms, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, are a treasure trove of information and discussions related to your industry. By following relevant hashtags and joining industry-specific groups, you can stay updated on the latest news, debates, and conversations happening in real-time. Social media platforms also provide an opportunity for you to engage with your audience directly and build a community around your blog.

In addition to industry bloggers and social media, keeping an eye on your competitors can provide valuable insights into what topics are currently popular and what strategies they are employing. While you never want to copy or imitate their content, understanding what is working for them can help you identify gaps in the market and find unique angles to cover in your own blog posts. By monitoring their content, you can also ensure that you are offering a unique perspective and providing added value to your audience.

To stay updated on industry discussions, consider setting up Google Alerts for relevant keywords and topics. This way, you will receive notifications whenever there is new content or discussions happening around those keywords. You can also subscribe to industry-specific newsletters or join online forums and communities where professionals in your field gather to exchange ideas and insights.

By continuously monitoring what industry bloggers, social media platforms, and competitors are talking about, you can position yourself as an expert in your niche and provide valuable and timely content to your audience. Stay engaged, join conversations, and leverage the insights you gain to create content that addresses the current interests and concerns of your target audience.

After choosing a topic:

1. Conduct keyword research to narrow down your topic.

Keyword research is an essential step in creating content that is optimized for search engines and resonates with your target audience. By conducting keyword research, you can gain valuable insights into the specific terms and phrases your audience is using to search for information related to your industry or niche.

There are several tools you can use to conduct keyword research, such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Moz Keyword Explorer. These tools allow you to input relevant keywords or topics and provide you with data on search volume, competition, and related keywords. This information can help you identify popular and relevant keywords that you can incorporate into your content.

When conducting keyword research, it's important to consider both the search volume and the competition for each keyword. High search volume indicates that there is a significant demand for information related to that keyword, but it also means that there will be more competition to rank for that keyword. On the other hand, low search volume may indicate a niche topic with less competition, but it may also mean that there is less demand for information on that topic.

Once you have identified a list of potential keywords, you can narrow down your topic by selecting keywords that are both relevant to your audience and have a reasonable level of competition. This will help you create content that is optimized for search engines and has a higher chance of ranking well in search results.

In addition to search volume and competition, it's also important to consider the intent behind each keyword. Are people using that keyword to find information, make a purchase, or solve a specific problem? Understanding the intent behind the keywords can help you create content that addresses the needs and interests of your audience more effectively.

Keyword research should not be a one-time activity. It's important to regularly revisit and update your keyword strategy to stay aligned with the evolving search trends and interests of your audience. By staying updated on the keywords that are driving traffic and engagement, you can continuously optimize your content to meet the needs of your target audience.

Conducting keyword research is a crucial step in creating content that is optimized for search engines and resonates with your target audience. By identifying relevant and popular keywords, considering search volume, competition, and intent, you can narrow down your topic and create content that effectively addresses the needs and interests of your audience. Regularly updating your keyword strategy will ensure that your content remains relevant and continues to drive traffic and engagement.

2. Determine popular search terms and select a long-tail keyword.

When it comes to creating content that stands out and attracts a wider audience, it's crucial to determine popular search terms and select a long-tail keyword. While keyword research helps in identifying relevant keywords, focusing on popular search terms and selecting a suitable long-tail keyword can greatly enhance the visibility and discoverability of your content.

Popular search terms are the phrases or keywords that individuals frequently use when searching for information related to your industry or niche. These terms often have a high search volume, indicating a significant demand for content on those topics. By incorporating popular search terms into your content, you increase the likelihood of attracting a larger audience and generating more organic traffic to your blog.

However, it's important to note that popular search terms also tend to have high competition. This means that many other websites and bloggers are targeting the same keywords, making it challenging to rank highly in search engine results for those terms. That's where long-tail keywords come into play.

A long-tail keyword is a more specific and targeted keyword phrase that typically consists of three or more words. While long-tail keywords may have lower search volume compared to popular search terms, they also have lower competition. This presents an opportunity to rank higher in search results and attract a more targeted audience.

When selecting a long-tail keyword, it's essential to choose one that accurately represents the content you are creating and aligns with the interests and needs of your target audience. Consider the specific problem or question your blog post aims to address and think about the words or phrases your audience would use when searching for a solution or information related to that topic.

For example, if you are writing a blog post about "tips for improving SEO," a popular search term could be "SEO tips." However, a more targeted long-tail keyword could be "effective on-page SEO techniques for higher rankings." While the search volume for the long-tail keyword may be lower, it attracts individuals who are specifically looking for information on on-page SEO techniques. By optimizing your content for this long-tail keyword, you increase the chances of ranking higher in search results for individuals searching for that specific topic.

Incorporating popular search terms and selecting a long-tail keyword that aligns with your content can significantly improve the visibility, discoverability, and relevance of your blog post. By targeting a more specific audience through long-tail keywords, you have a better chance of attracting individuals who are genuinely interested in the information you provide. This can lead to higher engagement, increased traffic, and a more loyal readership. So, don't overlook the power of determining popular search terms and selecting a suitable long-tail keyword to enhance your content strategy and maximize its impact.

3. Use the long-tail keyword in the blog's title and body.

Using the long-tail keyword in your blog's title and body is a crucial step in optimizing your content for search engines and increasing its discoverability. By strategically incorporating the long-tail keyword throughout your blog post, you can improve its relevance and increase the chances of ranking higher in search results.

When it comes to the blog's title, it's important to include the long-tail keyword in a way that captures the attention of your audience and accurately represents the content of your post. The title is often the first thing readers see, whether it's in search engine results or on social media platforms. By including the long-tail keyword, you make it clear to both search engines and readers what your blog post is about. However, it's important to strike a balance between using the keyword and maintaining a compelling title that entices readers to click and engage with your content.

In addition to the blog's title, it's crucial to strategically include the long-tail keyword throughout the body of your post. This helps search engines understand the main topic of your content and improve its relevance for relevant searches. However, it's important to use the long-tail keyword naturally and organically throughout the text. Keyword stuffing or overusing the keyword can negatively impact the readability and user experience of your blog post. Instead, focus on incorporating the keyword in a way that feels seamless and adds value to the overall content.

One effective strategy is to include the long-tail keyword in the introductory paragraph of your blog post. This signals to search engines and readers that the keyword is relevant to the content and sets the tone for what is to come. Additionally, consider using variations or synonyms of the long-tail keyword throughout the body of your post. This not only helps improve the overall SEO of your content but also provides a more diverse and engaging reading experience for your audience.

When using the long-tail keyword, it's important to remember that quality content should always come first. While optimizing your blog post for search engines is important, it should never compromise the readability or value of your content. Focus on providing valuable and informative content that resonates with your audience, and use the long-tail keyword as a tool to enhance its visibility and relevance.

By using the long-tail keyword strategically in your blog's title and body, you can improve the discoverability and relevance of your content. Remember to strike a balance between incorporating the keyword and maintaining an engaging title, and use the keyword naturally throughout the body of your post. With a well-optimized blog post, you increase the chances of attracting organic traffic and engaging with a broader audience interested in the information you provide.

4. Focus only on that keyword throughout the blog.

When it comes to optimizing your blog post for search engines, focusing on a specific keyword can be beneficial. However, it's important to strike a balance and avoid overusing the keyword. While it's essential to incorporate the keyword throughout your content, solely focusing on it can negatively impact the readability and overall quality of your blog post.

Instead, aim to create a natural and engaging flow of content that revolves around the keyword while providing valuable information to your readers. Use variations and synonyms of the keyword to diversify your content and make it more engaging. By doing so, you not only improve the overall SEO of your blog post but also enhance the reading experience for your audience.

Focusing solely on one keyword throughout your blog post may limit your ability to explore related topics or provide additional valuable information. It's important to consider the broader context of your content and address the needs and interests of your audience beyond just the keyword itself. By incorporating relevant and related keywords, you can expand the scope of your blog post and provide a more comprehensive and informative piece of content.

Remember that while keywords are important for search engine optimization, the ultimate goal is to create high-quality content that resonates with your audience. By focusing on providing valuable information and addressing the needs of your readers, you naturally enhance the visibility and relevance of your blog post. So, while it's essential to incorporate the keyword strategically, don't let it restrict your creativity and ability to provide valuable content to your audience.

Using many different keywords can actually hurt your SEO. Long-tail keywords keep your blog focused on the specific goals of your audience.

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How Long Should a Blog Post Title Be?

The ideal length is 60 characters, but titles with six to 13 words attract the highest and most consistent amount of traffic. Also, headlines between eight to 12 words are shared most on Twitter. Headlines between 12-14 words are liked most on Facebook.

Using the long-tail keyword at the beginning of the title is best.

Pro tip:

"38% of headlines that have bracketed specifications and clarifications perform better"

Formatting the post

Your blog should have the following format:

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Strong CTA

Keep your introduction captivating; this is the first thing your readers will see. People won't keep reading the rest if you have a boring introduction.

Keep it captivating and grab their attention by using humor or including an interesting fact or statistic.

The ideal blog post length is 2,100 words. Use your long-tail keyword at a regular cadence throughout the body of your post and headers. You might get penalized for keyword stuffing if you use keywords too much.

  • Use images and have proper use of white space
  • Don't write long paragraphs
  • Use sub-headers (they should be written in H2 tags or smaller)
  • Use bullets
  • Bold important text
  • Use multimedia content wherever possible inside the blog (video, image, social media post, or audio)

Promote Offers on Your Blog to Increase Lead Generation

Promoting offers can be a source of lead generation. CTA's are one of the most common ways to promote an offer inside your blog. However, a pop-up or submission form can also do the trick.

You might insert a CTA after the first two paragraphs, which are called passive CTAs. This comes in the form of hyperlinked text. These types of CTAs are essential because you can't always count on your readers to finish the entire blog.

Be sure to include a CTA at the end of the blog. It should always be relevant to the content.

Pro tip:

"Passive CTAs produce the highest click-through rates."

Optimizing the Post

The best way to do this is to optimize the entire blog using long-tail keywords.

Your long-tail keywords should appear in:

  • The title
  • The body
  • The URL
  • The alt-text images
  • The meta description (the copy should be engaging)

You should also include external and internal linking.

  1. External linking means giving outbound links to other sites.
  2. Internal linking means linking to pages inside your site to build more authority on those pages.

The pillar page and content cluster strategy is an excellent internal linking strategy. These blogs serve as content clusters that include hyperlinks to more information on your pillar page.

Another way to optimize your blog is to:

  • Add social sharing widgets to encourage people to share your content
  • Make sure your blog is mobile-friendly
  • Write consistently and frequently
  • Choose quality over quantity

As with everything else in marketing, blogging is not an exact science. However, if you follow the above, you will start to see results from posting regular blog content.

By putting all of this into practice, you'll surely begin noticing more organic traffic flowing into your site, improving your overall SEO, and start converting visitors into leads and leads into clients.

Don't hesitate to reach out if you want to know more about blogging, blog monetization, or other content marketing strategies and approaches.

We are always here to help! Talk to one of our growth specialists at gardenpatch today!

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