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How to Generate Leads: Key Tactics for Beginners in Lead Generation

Standing out from the crowd is no easy feat. With countless companies offering similar products and services, it's crucial to make your business known to succeed. The rise of social media has only intensified the competition.

So, who will come out on top? The one that people recognize the most.

I understand that your product may have unique features that set it apart. However, what truly matters is how many people are aware of it and are willing to invest in it.

Building an audience for your business from scratch may seem daunting, but it's not impossible.

As the saying goes (though I'm unsure of its origin), "Rome wasn't built in a day," and neither will your audience.

It's a process that requires time, effort, and constant monitoring to yield effective results.

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Don't worry! You've come to the right place... through this article, I'll show you the best ways to generate leads and make your business pop out like fireworks in New years!

I must be clear: if you're looking to get leads by cold calling people, repeating yourself a million times, and getting in their way to convince them that you are their solution, you're thinking it wrong. Besides, you'd be violating the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This article will guide you through the best practices to get your company shown to the right person at the right time and message. At the same time, this is one of the principles of inbound marketing.

Ready to go? This is a beginner guide on how to generate leads (qualified) leads :)

Let's start by defining a few things:

What precisely is someone we can call a "lead," anyway?

Well, A lead is a person who has indicated some interest in your company's product or service by providing their basic information (name and email, at the least).

Let's put ourselves in the shoes of a lead for a second; sometimes, with so much theory, it is easy to get confused, so let's bring it back to basics.

As an email user, I'm sure you receive tons of emails about different companies you have either gotten in touch with or done business with.

The key information here is that you showed interest at a certain point. Enough interest to provide them with your name and email. And that's the reason they can get in touch with you.

Companies get creative in asking for information without becoming pushy or spammy.

That said, you must know that leads can be qualified depending on which stage of the buyer's journey.

In a marketing strategy, that is what we call "lifecycle stages"

Let's go through each of those stages:


A website visitor becomes a lead when they have shown sales readiness beyond being subscribers. This means that they have taken some sort of action on your website that indicates their interest in your product or service. It could be filling out a contact form, downloading a resource, or requesting a demo. These actions show that they are actively engaged with your brand and are more likely to be receptive to sales messaging.

When a website visitor becomes a lead, it opens up the opportunity for you to nurture them through the buyer's journey and eventually convert them into a customer. This is where lead generation tactics come into play. By providing valuable content, personalized emails, targeted ads, and product demos, you can continue to engage and educate your leads, guiding them towards making a purchase decision.

It's important to note that not all leads are created equal. Some leads may be more qualified than others depending on their level of engagement and readiness to make a purchase. By identifying and qualifying leads, you can prioritize your efforts and focus on those who are most likely to convert.

Generating leads is a crucial part of any marketing strategy. By understanding the different stages of the buyer's journey and implementing effective lead generation tactics, you can attract, engage, and convert leads into loyal customers. So, don't overlook the importance of lead generation in your marketing efforts and start taking action to generate leads ASAP.

Marketing qualified leads:

Marketing qualified leads (MQLs) are leads who have interacted with your company's marketing efforts, but they are not yet ready to receive a sales call. These leads have shown some level of interest in your product or service, but they may still need more information or nurturing before they are ready to make a purchase decision.

Identifying MQLs is an important step in the lead generation process. You can use various metrics and criteria to determine if a lead qualifies as an MQL. For example, you might consider factors such as their engagement with your website, the number of times they have interacted with your content, or their level of interest based on the actions they have taken.

Once you have identified MQLs, you can then tailor your marketing efforts to continue nurturing them and moving them closer to becoming sales qualified leads (SQLs). This might involve sending them targeted content or offers that align with their needs and interests, providing them with more detailed information about your product or service, or addressing any potential objections or concerns they may have.

The goal of nurturing MQLs is to build trust and credibility, and to continue educating them about the value and benefits of your offering. By providing valuable and relevant information, you can help them overcome any barriers to purchase and increase their likelihood of converting into customers.

It's important to remember that not all MQLs will eventually become SQLs or customers. Some leads may not be the right fit for your product or service, or they may not be ready to make a purchase at this time. However, by effectively nurturing your MQLs, you can increase the chances of converting a higher percentage of them into SQLs and ultimately into customers.

Marketing qualified leads are an important stage in the lead generation process. By identifying and nurturing these leads, you can move them closer to becoming sales qualified leads and increase your chances of converting them into loyal customers. So, don't overlook the importance of MQLs in your lead generation efforts and make sure to implement strategies to effectively nurture and convert them.

Sales qualified leads:

Leads expressed they are ready for a sales follow-up.

When a lead expresses that they are ready for a sales follow-up, it signifies a significant milestone in the lead generation process. These leads have shown a high level of interest and engagement with your company's offerings and are actively seeking more information to make a purchase decision.

Identifying these sales qualified leads (SQLs) is crucial for your sales team to prioritize their efforts and focus on those who are most likely to convert into customers. SQLs may have taken actions such as requesting a product demo, submitting a contact form with specific inquiries, or indicating their readiness to move forward with a purchase.

Once a lead becomes an SQL, it is important to promptly respond to their inquiry and provide them with the necessary information and guidance to facilitate their decision-making process. This may involve scheduling a sales call, arranging a product demonstration, or addressing any specific concerns or objections they may have.

The goal with SQLs is to provide personalized and targeted communication to help them overcome any remaining barriers and confidently move towards making a purchase. This may include sharing case studies or success stories, offering incentives or discounts, or providing additional product or pricing information to support their decision-making process.

While not all SQLs will ultimately convert into customers, it is essential to nurture these leads effectively and ensure a positive experience throughout their buyer's journey. By providing exceptional customer service, personalized attention, and valuable information, you can increase the likelihood of converting SQLs into loyal customers and even potential advocates for your brand.

Identifying and engaging with sales qualified leads plays a crucial role in lead generation. These leads have demonstrated a strong interest in your offerings and are ready for a sales follow-up. By giving them the attention and support they need, you can effectively guide them towards making a purchase and ultimately contribute to the growth and success of your business.


Real sales opportunities are the goldmine of any business. These are the leads that have displayed a genuine interest in your product or service and are eager to take the next step towards making a purchase. Unlike marketing qualified leads (MQLs) or sales qualified leads (SQLs), real sales opportunities have moved beyond just expressing interest and are actively seeking a solution to their problem.

Identifying real sales opportunities is crucial for your sales team as it allows them to concentrate their efforts on leads that are most likely to convert into customers. These opportunities can arise when a lead reaches out for a product demo, requests a quote, or indicates their readiness to make a purchase.

Once a real sales opportunity is identified, it is vital to seize the moment by providing the necessary information and support to facilitate the decision-making process. This may involve scheduling a product demonstration, offering a personalized trial, or providing additional resources that address the specific needs and concerns of the lead.

The objective with real sales opportunities is to offer a seamless and positive experience that instills confidence in your product or service. By showcasing the value and benefits of your offering, addressing any objections or concerns, and delivering exceptional customer service, you can increase the likelihood of converting these opportunities into customers.

Real sales opportunities have the potential to become more than just customers. If you can surpass their expectations and deliver a superior experience, they may become advocates for your brand. These advocates can help spread the word about your business, refer new leads, and contribute to the growth and success of your company.

Real sales opportunities are the lifeblood of any business. By effectively identifying and nurturing these opportunities, you can increase your chances of converting them into loyal customers and leverage their potential to become brand advocates. So, don't underestimate the importance of real sales opportunities in your lead generation efforts and be sure to prioritize and invest in these valuable leads.


Customers are the lifeblood of any business. They are the individuals with whom you have successfully closed a deal and converted into paying customers. These customers have not only shown interest in your offerings but have also taken the necessary steps to make a purchase.

Closing a deal with a customer is a significant milestone for your business. It represents a successful conversion and a validation of your product or service. These customers have put their trust in your company and have chosen your offering over your competitors. They have recognized the value and benefits of your product and are willing to invest in it.

Customer satisfaction and retention are crucial for the long-term success of your business. It is important to provide exceptional customer service, address any concerns or issues promptly, and ensure that your customers have a positive experience throughout their journey with your company. By going above and beyond to meet their needs and expectations, you can build strong relationships with your customers and turn them into loyal advocates for your brand.

Customers who have had a positive experience with your company are more likely to recommend your products or services to their family and friends. These satisfied customers become evangelists or advocates for your brand. While they may not have the same reach as influencers, their recommendations hold weight and can influence the purchase decisions of others.

These advocates play a crucial role in lead generation. By sharing their positive experiences and spreading the word about your business, they can engage with other leads and contribute to the growth and success of your company. Their testimonials and referrals can attract new potential customers and generate new leads for your sales team to pursue.

Therefore, it is essential to nurture and maintain a strong relationship with your customers. Keep them engaged and satisfied by providing ongoing support, personalized communication, and exclusive offers or rewards. By treating your customers as valued individuals and prioritizing their needs, you can turn them into loyal advocates who will continue to support your business and help you expand your customer base.

Customers are more than just individuals who have closed a deal with your company. They are the foundation of your business and have the potential to become your most powerful brand advocates. By delivering exceptional customer service and creating positive experiences, you can cultivate strong relationships with your customers and leverage their influence to drive further growth and success.

Evangelists (advocates):

Evangelists, also known as advocates, are customers who go above and beyond in promoting your business to their family and friends. They leverage the opportunity to engage with other leads and share their positive experiences with your product or service. While they may not have the same reach as influencers, their genuine enthusiasm and word-of-mouth recommendations hold significant weight and can influence the purchase decisions of others.

These evangelists play a crucial role in lead generation as they act as trusted sources of information for potential customers. When someone hears a firsthand account of a positive experience with your business, it carries more weight than any marketing or advertising campaign. The personal connection and trust that evangelists have with their networks can lead to increased interest and consideration from new leads.

The power of evangelists lies in their ability to authentically share their experiences and recommendations. They are not paid or sponsored by your business, but rather, they genuinely believe in the value and benefits of your offering. This authenticity is what makes their advocacy so powerful and persuasive.

To cultivate and nurture evangelists, it is essential to prioritize customer satisfaction and provide exceptional customer service. By going above and beyond to meet their needs and expectations, you can create a positive experience that motivates them to share their enthusiasm with others. This involves addressing any concerns or issues promptly, providing ongoing support, and offering personalized communication.

In addition to exceptional customer service, you can also incentivize and reward evangelists for their advocacy. This can include exclusive offers or rewards for referrals, creating a sense of appreciation and recognition for their efforts. By treating your evangelists as valued individuals and acknowledging their contribution, you can strengthen the relationship and encourage them to continue spreading the word about your business.

Ultimately, evangelists have the potential to become your most powerful brand advocates. Their genuine enthusiasm and recommendations can attract new potential customers, generate new leads, and contribute to the growth and success of your company. By delivering exceptional customer service, creating positive experiences, and cultivating strong relationships with your customers, you can leverage the influence of evangelists to drive further growth and success for your business.

Now that you know each of the lifecycle stages, let's actually talk about some lead generation tools, how to identify qualified leads, and how to move them from one stage to the other.

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How can you start generating leads ASAP?

1. Content

If used correctly, content can work wonders for your lead-generation strategies.

You must, however, make sure you are taking into consideration the stage of the journey in which your lead currently is. Content will not be the same for someone who just found out about your company as it will be for someone with whom you have been in touch for a couple of weeks.

It is important that you also consider the stage, who your audience is, and where you will find them. These aspects can be laid out in general terms by refining your buyer personas since the approach will change as much as your ideal customer changes.

Content is no magic trick. However, a constant process of creating, releasing, evaluating, and enhancing for better results works wonders.

2. Email

Email is one of the cheapest ways to nurture your existing leads (compared to the ROI it usually brings). While this asset may not be a lead generation tool per se, it can be a great tool in transitioning these leads into a later stage in the journey.

However, because it is "cheap and easy," people tend to overestimate its power and release pretty much anything in any way. This is a huge NO!

An email is a tool to build, maintain, and deepen your company-client relationship. However, you must do your homework and know what you are sending, why you are sending it, and to whom you are sending it.

3. Ads

Ads can be a tricky and often misunderstood world. While ads don't convert people per se, they are great lead-generation tools.

So, where's the huge gap many companies and people miss?

Let's say you have a beautiful design for an Ad. You have invested a fair amount of money, and you're expecting great results to come from it. However, once you release it, people are just coming in and leaving without taking action. Translated to digital marketing slang, your bounce rate radically increases. Why?

You most likely put all hands in the Ad but totally forgot about optimizing your landing page.

Nowadays, it is harder than ever to gain people's trust online. Potential leads will become just another number for your increased bounce rate when something seems "off" or "fishy" on your website.

You must ensure both Ads and Landing Pages are in total alignment, not only regarding the audience and the actual offer but also design-wise.

4. Retargeting

I hope you're ready for the bomb I'm about to drop…

Did you know around 97% of first-time visitors exit your website without doing anything?

(All that time and money you invested in that beautiful website... I know, it hurts. It sure did when I found out.)

However, since technology is our friend, it sure solved this! Have you ever heard about retargeting?

Retargeting is the fine art (Yes, it is) of converting website visitors into leads using personalized marketing. Additionally, retargeting generates customers after they’ve left your store by promoting targeted ads to suggest they come back to your website and finalize their purchase process. Retargeting is one of the best ways to generate leads online.

However, retargeting has a fine line between being effective and being pushy. It is typically recommended to take time and research to precisely target and make sure your budget focuses on the most relevant audience. There is such a thing as "becoming annoying" through retargeting.

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5. Blogging

This is where any business can showcase expertise in their field and educate potential customers to prepare them with information for later conversion.

Not only that, but keep in mind that the more valuable pages you publish, the more search engines like Google or Bing will rank your website. As a result, you’ll attract more organic traffic.

Companies that have adopted blogging as a part of their marketing assets typically receive 97% more backlinks to their site, which will help you rank higher in searches.

With the use of long-tail keywords, the right user intent, the topic's relevance, and, most importantly, including content offers, your blog will surely be successful in generating leads.

6. Product Demo

Who doesn't love free stuff? I sure do. And I'm sure you do as well.

A product demo is a perfect way to discover if a product or service fits you.

Now, let's think as a business owner and let's ask ourselves a few questions:

  • What are my potential customers expecting to test out my product before buying it?
  • What are how I'll be able to showcase what my product is during a trial period and get more conversions?

Usually, a product demo includes the full version of a product or service in a limited amount of time.

The amount of time should give enough space for a potential customer to explore and discover why your product is exactly what they need.

7. Referral

Referrals, often referred to as word-of-mouth, are a true art form. They involve leveraging satisfied existing customers and nurturing their loyalty. These happy customers will then take it upon themselves to spread the word about your business and its amazing services or products.

It's important to note the significance of keeping your customers happy. Their satisfaction is the key to unlocking the power of referrals.

While all of this theory is great and exciting, it can also feel overwhelming, especially if you're new to generating leads online.


Building a "lead generation machine" requires time, effort, and careful consideration of your target audience. However, the long-term benefits for your business are significant. As mentioned earlier, the key to sales success lies in increasing awareness of your product or service.

The more people who are aware of your business, the higher the likelihood of conversions and an increase in sales-qualified leads. It's important not to feel overwhelmed by the process. As a business owner, you have many responsibilities, but we're here to support you in generating more leads for your business.

Let's have a conversation and discover how we can help you drive more leads and achieve your business goals.

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